The Animated Chucky Doll was an animatronic sold by Spencer Gifts for the 2006 Halloween season. It resembled the character Chucky from the 1998 film Bride of Chucky, holding a knife. When activated, the head, eyes, and mouth moved to several phrases from the film.
Spencer Gifts’ Description[]
“"Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna Play?" Animated Chucky Doll comes complete with mangled face, blood-stained tattered clothes and removable plastic knife. Includes detachable metal base stand with voice box and moving mouth that repeats classic Chucky phrases.”
- talking Chucky doll
- animated mouth
- detachable knife
- detachable metal stand
Official Listing[]
- The listing for this animatronic is no longer available. Click HERE to view the last archived version of this listing.