The Spirit Halloween Flagship Store is the main store of Spirit Halloween, located at 6725 E Black Horse Pike #26, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey (08234).
The Flagship store opened as Spirit Halloween in 2012. The building was originally a Circuit City location. In 2004, Circuit City moved to a strip mall called Hamilton Commons near the Hamilton Mall. The Circuit City's location at the mall was replaced with a K&G Fashion Superstore in 2006 (which has since closed). Since then, it had remained vacant, but in 2012 was bought by Spirit Halloween as a seasonal store.
Former Flagship Store[]

2011 (PC: Google Street View)
The former store closed after the current store opened in a much larger building. The old store was featured in Spirit's 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 videos. A collection of videos of the old store are featured on the spirithalloweenmn YouTube channel. As of 2012, the old location was abandoned. Not long after, the building was remodeled into four separate spaces.
- The former and current location is where the In-Store Experience (theme) videos are filmed at.
- The store's original color was white from Circuit City and the K&G Fashion Superstore. In 2018, a little before opening, the store was repainted gray.
- The doors on the right side is where the Live-Chat center is located.
- The Headquarters is located down the same street.
- The store has featured several online-only animatronics in-store for a limited time. Such as the Janglin' Bones Trio, Swinging Sally, and the Towering Boogeyman.
- The popularity of the store has increased over the years, with having crowds waiting outside on opening day.
- Since 2020, the store gives out exclusive 25% off coupons to visitors on opening day.
- According to a Haunter, who was told by an employee from The Headquarters, the porch display used for 2020 animatronic demonstrations and website pictures was filmed in back of the store.
- In 2021, the store gave out exclusive swag bags to the first 100 fans in line, live music, food trucks, and a coffin full of surprises. A ribbon-cutting ceremony also took place at 10:45 am, with doors opening at 11:00 am.
- The 2022 opening date was teased in the Halfway to Halloween video on April 29th.
- The 2022 opening date was confirmed by an employee who sent out an email to select haunters on June 1st, and was officially confirmed by Spirit Halloween on June 3rd across social media platforms.
- In July of 2022, the store had an update for the seasonal posters. They are now lower and are in frames.
- In 2022 the circular ceiling lights were removed and replaced with long light fixtures.
- The Zombie Wasteland theme from 2011 was displayed for the "Shore Fellowship 'Sun Stand Still' Service," which was held at the site of the current Spirit Halloween flagship store.
Current Flagship Store[]
Former Flagship Store[]
- The Spirit Halloween Wiki has a collection of videos pertaining to the Spirit Halloween Flagship Store HERE.