The Spirit Testing Lab, related to the Reaper's Monster Laboratory, was an In-Store Experience created by Spirit Halloween for the 2022 Halloween season.
- Bag O' Bones
- Betty Sharpe
- Black and Red Jumping Spider
- Buzzsaw (2021) (anatomy poster & footpad cover)
- Crouchy (hologram fan)
- Dr. Illume (screens & hologram fan)
- Experiment 4 (mentioned on crate)
- Lil Skelly Bones (2022)
- Live Wires (2022) (x6)
- Lucky Bottoms
- Miserable Marie (anatomy poster)
- Mr. Dark
- Nozzles the Clown
- Nightcrawler (hologram fan)
- Regan
- Young Crouchy (hologram fan)
- The animation used for the hologram fans and screens was created by Groove Jones.
- The Spirit Testing Lab was the first back ISE since 2019’s The Reaper's Wharf to feature a walk through portion after the 2020 Reaper's Island Cave walk through was scrapped due to Covid-19 restrictions.
- Similar to the Factory Floor, the Spirit Testing Lab featured several barrels full of purchasable animatronic anatomy posters and digital projections in the back windows.
- Located within the walk through of the Spirit Testing Lab, was a vibrating floor and various strands of Live Wires (2022) that activated by motion.
- Halloween Factory Assembly Line and Factory Floor was mentioned on a crate.
- Located within the walk through of the Spirit Testing Lab was a bookshelf with past ISE references.
- There was a bottle that was titled "Swamp Water" with the year 2015 underneath. This is a reference to the 2015 ISE Voodoo Swamp.
- One of the books was titled "Haunted Hotels" with the year 2016 underneath. This is a reference to the 2016 ISE Haunted Hotel.
- One of the books was titled "S.S. Rip Tide Tales of a Ghost Ship" with the year 2019 above. This is a reference to the 2019 ISE S.S. Rip Tide.
- There was a preserved octopus tentacle in a bottle with a tag titled "Spirit Aquarium." This is a reference to the 2019 ISE The Reaper's Wharf.
- There was a bottle of water with a tag titled "Wharf Water." This is a reference to the 2019 ISE The Reaper's Wharf.
- There was a preserved snake in a container with a label titled "Reaper's Island." This is a reference to the 2020 ISE theming Reaper's Island Village and Reaper's Island Cave.
- One of the books was titled "Monster Assembly Guide" with the year 2021 underneath. This is a reference to the 2021 ISE Halloween Factory Assembly Line.
- Behind the Spirit Testing Lab were various photo op panels showcasing the laboratory environment.
Buzzsaw (2021) anatomy poster
Miserable Marie anatomy poster
Voodoo Swamp reference
Haunted Hotel reference
The Reaper's Wharf (aquarium) reference
Halloween Factory Assembly Line reference
Footpad cover
Video Screenshots[]
J Reaper's Monster Laboratory - Spirit Halloween 2022 ISE